Re: [Off List] Nothing is really hidden

On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 5:06 AM, Lachlan Hunt<> wrote:
> Moving this to www-archive because I think continuing to discuss this issue
> on public-html is a waste of everyone's time.
> Shelley Powers wrote:
>> One thing I think we need to be careful about when discussing
>> accessibility markup, as well as semantic metadata, is that nothing is
>> really hidden.
> Please understand that the use of the term hidden is very much dependant on
> context, and that generally the intended meaning (particularly in the case
> of summary) is that the content is hidden from typical user browsing with a
> typical browser.
> It is irrelevant that the value can be exposed by explicitly hunting for it
> in the right location, such as looking at the table properties dialog in
> some browsers, or viewing the page source, or that it is exposed by default
> by some assistive technology to a small group of users.
> --
> Lachlan Hunt - Opera Software

I would prefer that people discontinue arbitrarily moving discussions
to www-archive, because in their opinion, they don't consider the
discussion to be relevant.

This was a legitimate topic of discussion in the HTML WG. It was
focused on decisions related to the HTML 5 specification, was not a
rehash of an older topic, and the discussion was polite and civil.
Bluntly, the only time any hint of rudeness entered the picture was
when you unilaterally moved it, Lachlan, because you deemed it not

So I will ask that people continue this discussion on the HTML WG.
This discussion is useful, in that it helps explore viewpoints and
mindsets of people making decisions, and can help ensure that
decisions for HTML 5 are inclusive, and comprehensive.



Received on Thursday, 2 July 2009 12:17:25 UTC