Re: W3C communities and its modus operandi

On 25 Feb 2009, at 13:55, Sam Ruby wrote:
> I personally don't want to relive sXBL, either directly by reliving  
> the experience or vicariously by participating in a postmortem.  I  
> merely want to find the right balance for this working group.

Of list, Sam has suggested that my not ccing him indicated that I was  
trying to cut him out of the conversation (after having interjected  
myself into the conversation). This seems in response to:

"""> I personally don't want to relive sXBL, either directly by reliving
 > the experience or vicariously by participating in a postmortem.  I
 > merely want to find the right balance for this working group.

Sure. I'm sorry, did I cc you? If so, I didn't mean to. Per usual in
these debates, I am merely trying to ensure that things which I can
easily check get checked. """

I misread what he was saying as an indication that he found the  
postmortem something he didn't want to participate in and that I was  
pulling him in. My reply was based on the thought that I had cced him  
and that he didn't care for that. That's all. I'm happy to discuss  
the idea of how to process lessons learned with him, or with anyone.  
And I certainly don't think that replying to email on www-archive is  
out of bounds for anyone.


Received on Wednesday, 25 February 2009 15:40:42 UTC