Re: several messages

Ian Hickson wrote:
> As far as I can tell everything is correct here, the problem is on your 
> end.

I wasn't saying that the problem was at your end; whether it's a problem 
with firefox or whatever, I was just letting you know that the problem 
existed, that's all, just like I emailed you once to tell you that the 
WHATWG spec was missing it's doctype.

> No, there is no removal mechanism. Eventually all sections will be 
> annotated.

OK, that's fine, I did not know this. It was the first time I had used 
the annotation system and just wanted to know how it works as the doc's 
didn't explain this particular area.

> Please don't remove or change annotations unless they are clearly 
> factually wrong.

It was "factually wrong". The description for that category said:

"Controversial Working draft
    Same as "Working draft", but there is a particularily high level of 
controversy around this section, so it may change dramatically."

Saying that it "may change dramatically" was factually wrong so I 
changed it.

If you don't want people editing the annotation systems Ian, then for 
goodness sake don't make them publicly editable, or at least tell people 
what the rules are.

> The annotation here, for example, was added during 
> discussions between members of the W3C HTML working group and the WHATWG 
> in the spirit of cooperation during the W3C plenary recently.

This was not publicly archived or announced to the HTML WG (or to 
anyone), so don't see how I was supposed to know.

> Incidentally, the HTML5 work is supposed to be a completely public 
> endaveour. You complicate this when sending me private e-mail

I very rarely ask you questions privately Ian, and when I do it's about 
off-topic stuff.

> Please, if you e-mail me about HTML5,

The email was *not* about HTML5 Ian, it was an off topic enquiry 
regarding the presentation of the spec in my web browser and an enquire 
as to how to use the annotation system as the doc's did not detail the 
feature that I was trying to use. These seem to me to be pretty 
off-topic things to email you about that don't need to be publicly 
archived. I'm not on IRC very often to ask you about these sort of minor 
issues so I emailed you, if that was wrong, then I'm sorry.

>  cc a 
> publicly archived mailing list, even if it only

I do, and you know that I do because we've discussed this before. 
Anything that I think needs changing on the spec I send to public-html 
or www-archive.

Dean Edridge

Received on Tuesday, 9 December 2008 03:37:00 UTC