Re: N3->IKL translation seems to work... bug policy rules and log:includes are hairy

I should wait for Pat to answer this, but just so I understand the 
question - why is this a problem? I thought the entire point of "that" in 
IKL was that it wasn't a quoted proposition, so you can quantify over it 
just like anything else.

'Since propositions are first-class objects, they can be quantified over 
in the usual way, so one can write general axioms about propositions. For 
example, we can define a function on propositions corresponding to 
disjunction, similarly to the one defined earlier for unary relations." 

What precisely do you mean by "computational"? Anyways, I think you can do 
that in IKL (maybe not KIF), but again, Pat should answer.


  On Sat, 21 Apr 2007, 
Dan Connolly wrote:

> Dan Connolly wrote:
>>   v 1.13 2007/04/21 06:29:19
> I took a look at our hello-world policy
> example, i.e. "if your homepage says you're a vegetarian,
> you're a vegetarian". It comes out having
> log:includes be a relation between propositions,
> not between quoted formulas.
> log:includes is supposed to have computational
> characteristics like =p, so this is somewhat
> of a concern. I can't quantify over
> that-sentences in KIF, can I? i.e. to write
> rules like this?
> (forall ((a sentence) (b sentence))
>  (if (and (that a) (that b))
>      ((that (and a b)) ) )
> Veg case details...
> input is conf_reg_ex.n3 from
> output is:
> (forall
> (WHO PG )
> (and
>  (if (exists
>       (g6 )
>       (and (holds "" WHO PG )
> 	    (holds
> 	     ""
> 	     g6
> 	     (that
> 	      (holds
> 	       ('' c5489120)
> 	       WHO
> 	 ('file:///Users/connolly/w3ccvs/WWW/2000/10/swap/test/reason/conf_reg_ex#Vegetarian' 
> c5489120)
> 	       )
> 	      ) )
> 	    (holds "" PG g6 )
> 	    )
>       )
>      (holds ""
> 	     WHO
> 	 "file:///Users/connolly/w3ccvs/WWW/2000/10/swap/test/reason/conf_reg_ex#Vegetarian"
> 	     )
>    )
>  (holds
>   ""
> "file:///Users/connolly/w3ccvs/WWW/2000/10/swap/test/reason/joe_profile.n3#joe"
> "file:///Users/connolly/w3ccvs/WWW/2000/10/swap/test/reason/joe_profile.n3"
>   )
>  )
> )


 	Harry Halpin
 	Informatics, University of Edinburgh

Received on Saturday, 21 April 2007 16:48:12 UTC