arabic newspaper and korean justification, emphasis marks

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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: action items
Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 13:02:42 -0800
From: Paul Nelson (ATC)
To: fantasai

1. Korean typography uses white space justification. They never function
as ideographic text. I have confirmed this with two different people,
but am waiting for bood resources.

2. Yes. There is a need for Newspaper style justification that stretches
Arabic scripts evenly. This is used with Arabic and Uighur.

3. I have not had time yet to contact Chinese type people. This week or
next week I may have a chance.



-----Original Message-----
From: fantasai
Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 2:51 PM
To: Paul Nelson (ATC)
Subject: action items

I've gotten started on the last one by talking to Martin Heijdra. He
suggests that x-shaped marks (which I remember seeing in a Tibetan book)
and triangle shaped ones would also be needed. I can't find my books,
though, so I can't scan those in. Martin did point me to a Biao Dian Fu
Hao Ci Dian; I scanned a few pages about kanzhonghao.


Received on Sunday, 12 March 2006 21:14:24 UTC