RE: LC Issue 226 Resolution

>I have not proposed any details of URI encoding. I am proposing
>guidelines on the URI-to-resource mapping. Nevertheless, I would accept
>text in the Primer.

Have you seen the section in part 2 [1] that talks about how parameters
that are used to identify resources should be part of the URI? This is
entirely independent of the request method used (in HTTP-speak), just
saying that parameters that in some sense identify a resource should
when possible be part of the URI.

>This has nothing to do with GET or URI encoding schemes or any other
>issue under recent discussion. It is just a restatement of a standard
>Web architecture principle in a SOAP context.
>"An important principle of Web architecture is that all important
>resources be identifiable by URI."

Does this address your concern?



Received on Wednesday, 17 July 2002 17:38:56 UTC