Re: UPDATE: initial message concerning syntax


I agree with your point that some of daml+oil corresponds exactly to 
standard frame-based representation.  However, if this frame-based 
subset is part of a larger dl-like representation, then I think that 
misconceptions can still arise on the part of non-dl-aware users 
(i.e., my point is not about formal semantics is about the relation 
between the story presented to the user and the underlying behaviour 
of the system).


At 12:02 am +0100 19/12/01, Frank van Harmelen wrote:
>As you might guess, I disagree with what you wrote.
>Of course, surface syntax should not give false impressions,
>but I don't think this will be the case here:
>Some of the typical DAML+OIL idiom corresonds >*exactly*< with the 
>usual frame-based constructions. (for example the locally defined 
>range-striction on a slot, which I used as example in my msg; same 
>for cardinality constraints; same for "defined"-classes; etc).

>Your point about behaviour requires more thinking, I agree:
>>  Even when dressed as a frame system a DL will always
>>  behave as a DL (with anonymous classes and automatic
>>  re-classification)
>I know that Stefan Decker has been thinking about a restricted 
>semantics of DAML+OIL which would indeed only deal with named 
>classes (for instance to classify instances).
>So, in my view, there are two issues, one easy, one hard, both important:
>- (easy): define frame-based modelling-idiom as syntactic 
>constructions for DAML+OIL
>- (hard): try to think what DAML+OIL would look like if it only 
>dealt with named classes
>    ----

Received on Wednesday, 19 December 2001 06:38:28 UTC