Re: question about ARIA in HTML 5 spec text - implied use on elements not listed

On Thu, 27 Aug 2009 09:40:36 +0200, Steven Faulkner  
<> wrote:
> hi Ian,
> in the h1-h6 section it states:
> "These elements have a *rank* given by the number in their name. The
> h1<>element
> is said to have the highest rank, the
> h6<>element
> has the lowest rank, and two elements with the same name have equal
> rank."
> if the implied aria semantics are added we get:
> "These elements have a *rank* given by the number in their name. The
> h1<>element
> (implied role="heading", aria-level="1") is said to have the highest
> rank, the  
> h6<>element
> (implied role="heading", aria-level="6") has the lowest rank, and
> two elements with the same name have equal rank."
> what is the issue?

In a scenario such as

    <h1> ... </h1>
     <h1> ... </h1>

the second h1 element is of level 2 per section 4.4.11 of HTML 5 (and  
should probably be exposed as such to AT). The rank of a heading is just a  
concept used to determine the headings exact level later in case people do  
weirder stuff. See the examples in that section.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Thursday, 27 August 2009 07:48:36 UTC