Re: feedback requested on WAI CG Consensus Resolutions on Text alternatives in HTML 5 document

On Aug 17, 2009, at 15:36, Steven Faulkner wrote:

> * "Authoring tools and markup generators must generate conforming  
> documents.
> what current authoring tools stop the generation of invalid documents?

iWeb and BlueGriffon both generate markup that validates (thanks to  
alt="") on the W3C Validator for the actions I put forward earlier.
  1) Create a blank document.
  2) Drag an image file into it from the Finder.
  3) Save.

Neither application prompted me for alt. iWeb reminded me of MobileMe  
twice. iWeb also reminded me about copyrights, but not about  
accessibility. BlueGriffon prompted me for page title (I typed "Koli"  
which is the place where the photo was taken).

iWeb output:

BlueGriffon output: 
  (note that the image file was not automatically copied to the right  

> how do you see this being enforced in the future?

I expect product reviewers and prospective users to throw some test  
output from an authoring application at a validator and complain on  
blogs if the result is invalid. In anticipation, authoring application  
developers will continue to make their apps emit syntax that doesn't  
trigger error messages on a validator. The notable exception is  
Dreamweaver which opts for ATAG compliance over HTML validity, but  
ATAG 2 compliance and HTML5 compliance shouldn't be mutually exclusive  
for authoring app developers.

Henri Sivonen

Received on Monday, 17 August 2009 13:31:08 UTC