Re: Keyboard Behaviors for Elements with Role "Grid"

controll+arrows instead of controll+tab seems to fit better here.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Bolter" <>
To: "Christophe Strobbe" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: Keyboard Behaviors for Elements with Role "Grid"

Christophe Strobbe wrote:
> Hi Joseph,
> (Replying only to XTech list.)
> At 17:12 29/07/2008, Joseph Scheuhammer wrote:
>> Here's an attempt at summarizing one of the problems, and a possible 
>> compromise.
>> Currently Tab/Shift+Tab is used to move among large chunks of the 
>> page or web app.  This is pretty much the convention in the style guide.
>> Arrow keys  are used to navigate within widgets.
>> It would be very useful to have quick navigation among editable cells 
>> in a grid and not force users to navigate "endlessly" to them using 
>> the arrow keys.  However, if the number of editable cells is 
>> numerous, using Tab to move among them leads to a sense of being 
>> trapped if one wants to navigate through and outside of the grid 
>> quickly.
>> Would the following work as a compromise?
>> - Use Tab/Shift+Tab to move in and out of widgets, as before.
>> - Use arrows to navigate within widgets, as before.
>> - Use Ctrl+Tab to move within a grid quickly among editable cells.
>> I'm suggesting Ctrl+Tab instead of Jon's Ctrl+Enter since it includes 
>> "Tab" and that conjures up navigation.
>> However, it's entirely possible that Ctrl+Tab may already be taken by 
>> the OS or the browser.
> Some browsers use Ctrl+Tab to switch between tabs (in tabbed 
> navigation). At least Firefox, Opera and SeaMonkey do this.
> Ctrl+Tab takes you to the next tab, Shift+Ctrl+Tab takes you to the 
> previous tab.

Right. Actually how come we don't specify Ctrl+Tab in the "Tab Panel" 
section of the style guide?

Note: we adopt this combination in dojo for tab panels.


> Best regards,
> Christophe
>> In that case, perhaps the square bracket keys, ] and [, could be used 
>> to denote forward and backward motion, and be used to navigate among 
>> editable cells.
>> -- 
>> ;;;;joseph
>> 'This is not war -- this is pest control!'
>>      - "Doomsday", Dalek Leader -

Received on Tuesday, 29 July 2008 16:24:24 UTC