Re: Discussing ARIA in HTML5 integration

On Wed, 2008-04-09 at 11:30 -0400, Al Gilman wrote:
> Good points.
> On 9 Apr 2008, at 4:17 AM, Henri Sivonen wrote:
> >
> > I happened to find this curious statement in the IRC logs of a  
> > third WG:
> > "Gregory: We (WAI) arranged a special meeting with HTML5 people to  
> > discuss Aria, and no one from HTML5 turned up"
> > "... so we are ignoring them for the moment"
> >

Gregory said something like that in a recent HTML WG teleconference
as well; I got the impression that there was some recent attempt to
set up a teleconference and it didn't work out for various reasons.

Such is life.

> This demonstrates the downside potential of too much public visibility.
> Things can get taken out of context, and taken too seriously.

The cost of a few clarification mail messages is modest...

> > On a more general note:
> >
> > Face-to-face meeting and telecons are problematic for discussing  
> > detailed technical things like language integration, because people  
> > don't have the opportunity to re-study drafts, write test cases and  
> > do research in order to make informed statements and change their  
> > opinions based on verified information in the middle of the  
> > conversation. Moreover, by charter[1], the HTML WG "primarily  
> > conducts its technical work on a Public mailing list public-html".  
> > After all, face-to-face meetings and telecons would discriminate  
> > against a substantial number of HTML WG participants.

Meanwhile, email isn't perfect either; the occasional supplementary
teleconference, IRC chat, etc. can help quite a bit.

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Wednesday, 9 April 2008 21:18:46 UTC