Re: AccessKey Behavior based on media


Could the note also encourage features that allow the user to review the
current access key bindings of a resource.


On Wed, 30 Oct 2002, Steven Pemberton wrote:

> Dear WAI XTech,
> Here is the proposed HTML 4.01 errata text for handling of access key.
> Please feel free to review now, or later when we publish the next proposed
> errata document, or both.
> Best wishes,
> Steven Pemberton
> Chair HTML WG
> <blockquote>
> <p>
> When rendering to the "handheld" medium, pressing an accesskey for a
> hyperlink or button SHOULD activate.  When rendering to all other mediums,
> pressing an accesskey SHOULD transfer the focus, even for hyperlinks and
> buttons.
> </p>
> <p>
> User agents MAY (and are encouraged to) provide a user preference to
> override the default behavior, and allow accesskeys to always activate
> hyperlinks and buttons, or always focus hyperlinks and buttons.
> </p>
> <blockquote>
> See:

Received on Thursday, 31 October 2002 08:35:10 UTC