Re: [48 hour] DRAFT Last Call comment Re: [XML 1.1] Allowable element names

On Thu, 4 Jul 2002, Al Gilman wrote:

>class="48hour /WAI/PF">
>As Chair of the PF working group, I am [nearly] prepared to declare that PF has
>reached consensus on the following comment to the XML 1.1 Last Call draft.
>This makes our comment late, but as there is stuff that needs to be said we will
>go ahead and say it.

I am fine with this. Would you also, as our representative in the WAI
Coordination Group, please make sure that the authoring tools group are aware
of the implications for their work?

I think it is clearly enough spelled out in an earlier message how I believe
that the Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines do apply:



Received on Thursday, 4 July 2002 18:41:11 UTC