[Perspectives - Voice]

Regarding Voice Recognition - shouldn't it actually be Speech Recognition?  Voice recognition is more about   and is used for biometrics, rather than for dictation and spoken control of one's computer.  That's my understanding, at least, but am very curious about your thoughts on this.

*       https://www.w3.org/WAI/perspectives/voice.html

*       http://www.armorvox.com/voice-biometrics-vs-speech-recognition/

*       https://www.google.com/search?num=50&newwindow=1&safe=off&site=&source=hp&q=speech+recognition+vs+voice+recognition&oq=speech+recognition+vs+&gs_l=hp.3.1.0l4j0i22i30k1l3.904.5162.0.7325.
All the best,

Gary M. Morin, Program Analyst
NIH Office of the Chief Information Officer

6555 Rock Spring Drive, Suite 300, Room 3NE-28
Bethesda, MD. 20817, Mail Stop: 4801

(301) 402-3924 Voice, (301) 451-9326 TTY/NTS
(240) 200 5030 Videophone; (301) 402-4464 Fax

NIH Section 508: http://508.nih.gov<http://508.nih.gov/>, NIH Section 508 Coordinators list: https://ocio.nih.gov/ITGovPolicy/NIH508/Pages/Section508Coordinators.aspx

NIH Section 508 Team: mailto:Section508Help@mail.nih.gov?subject=Section 508 Help<mailto:Section508Help@mail.nih.gov?subject=Section%20508%20Help> or, for Section 508 Guidance<http://www.hhs.gov/web/508/index.html>, http://www.hhs.gov/web/508/index.html

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what if the first question we asked was, "what is so unique about this situation that it justifies exclusion? instead of, "how much does it cost to make it accessible?

Received on Monday, 13 March 2017 19:34:00 UTC