Re: is there any accessibility downside to having role="list" on an ul element?

On 08/05/2024 02:50, Adam Cooper wrote:
> So which bit is the so-called semantics? The descriptions of the type of 
> marker such as ‘bullet’ or ‘square’ or the LF/CR at the end of each list 
> item? Or even the navigability that screen readers include such as using 
> ‘l’ and ‘I’ quick keys in JAWS and NVDA?

I would say the primary semantics are that it is an item in a list.  The 
marker is a matter of presentation, and even the newline, at the end, is 
presentation.  Really the marker should be an attribute of the list, not 
the individual item, but is a presentational issue, as the list level 
should be shown by the nesting level.

Received on Wednesday, 8 May 2024 12:06:11 UTC