Re: Focus on a new page

The Paciello Group also suggests focusing on the h1 or a main content wrapper.

Obviously there’s some disagreement here as to whether this is a good solution. Conflicting WCAG guidance aside,  there are some pretty serious accessibility advocates who suggest focusing on the h1 or similar.

If you think this is a bad idea, what solution would you recommend? Your point about different user types is an important one. But we probably can’t completely satisfy every user type.

- Peter

> On Apr 17, 2024, at 5:33 PM, Phill Jenkins <> wrote:
> Please do not conflate the responses from different user types!
> | ... I’ve seen a number of recommendations to programmatically place the focus on the h1 (and add tabindex=-1).
> No, not a good idea.
> The WCAG success criteria were based on years of research from many different types of disabilities users have including users with combinations of disabilities.  The criteria are also based on different type of content from basic types on informational pages to highly interactive web applications.
> It is conflicting guidance and incorrect to put the "default keyboard focus" on a non-interactive element such as a heading:
> 1. sighted voice command & control users do not want to stop on headings because they are not interactive
> 2. sighted keyboard users do not want the tab key to stop on headings that are not interactive
> 3. sighted neurodivergent users do not want to be distracted or confused when their reading assistant stops on headings as if there is something they are now supposed to do but can't
> 4. low vision magnifier users do not want their magnifier to stop on headings (moving their view) when there is nothing for them to interact with
> 5. blind screen reader users do not want to *always* stop on every heading when navigating the interactive elements.  
> All users want to be able to always choose to navigate by heading, or by interactive control, or by region, or by table, etc. 
> and never want the web designer forcing them to stop everywhere, on everything, every time they visit the page or application.
> _______
> Regards,
> Phill Jenkins
> IBM Accessibility, IBM Design
> Equal Access toolkit and accessibility checker at
> “Without accessibility, there is no diversity and inclusion of peole with disabilities”
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Weil <> 
> Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2024 11:09 AM
> To: Brian Lovely <>
> Cc:
> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Focus on a new page
> I’m not sure that there’s a single correct answer to this, but I’ve seen a number of recommendations to programmatically place the focus on the h1 (and add tabindex=-1). Here are a few resources that I found useful:
>> On Apr 15, 2024, at 10:58 AM, Brian Lovely <> wrote:
>> I'm curious about this question as it applies to single-page applications-style web sites, where the base URL doesn't change, but the content of the previous page is "blown away" and replaced by the content of the new page. Let's call them pages A and B. If on page A there is a control that causes page A to be replaced with page B, then the currently focused element is removed from the DOM, along with the rest of page A. Screen reader users will hear nothing, and if they try navigating "forward" they will be at roughly the same distance from the top of page B as they were from the top of page A (that's been my experience, anyway.) Navigating forward, they may just encounter the footer, but no matter what they encounter it will be confusing to be at some random point in the page B content.
>> My question is when changing views in a single-page application-style web site, where should focus be placed? I specify "web site" to differentiate from a single page application that is simply a series of form views.
>> On Fri, Apr 12, 2024 at 7:21 AM Samuel George <> wrote:
>> Thank you for your response. 
>> I am unable to find anywhere in WCAG 2.2 Criterion 2.4.3 Focus Order, where it states that forcing a users focus into the main content on a new page is a failure, this is the reason I raise the question.
>> The description is the only aspect that would relate to it, however, I don’t feel that skipping the <header> when arriving on a new page for example, removes operability or meaning in the content, especially when it is in a step by step process and you have already encountered the <header> which has not changed in these subsequent steps.
>> Kind
>> Sent from Mail for Windows
> --
> Peter Weil
> Web Developer
> University Marketing Web Services
> Office of Strategic Communications
> University of Wisconsin–Madison
> 608-220-3089

Received on Thursday, 18 April 2024 01:16:47 UTC