Re: HTML Dialog and name

I find names realized with techniques that are only accessible for the few people with AT have to be the last resort for making something understandable for people that use ATs.

It’s a workaround for a badly designed concept, a hack.

Visible or at least visually hidden semantically structured texts are helpful for everyone. The cases where they disturb anybody are very rare and you can even reference them with aria - if really necessary…

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Marc Haunschild

> Am 26.12.2023 um 12:01 schrieb Laurence Lewis <>:
> Hi,
> In my workplace we are looking at using the HTML <dialog> in place of the ARIA role dialog and all its attributes. 
> I have one broad based question and one targeted. 
> 1. Are there any accessibility concerns for using <dialog> anyone has come across or is aware of?
> 2. There is no mention, that I have found in the HTML Living Standard for the Dialog element, that it needs a name, which is part of the ARIA spec for role dialog. Should ARIA aria-labelledby or aria-label be used to name the <dialog>? 
> If it is best to name the dialog element should this be proposed as a change in the standard?
> Thanks
> Laurence Lewis
> Accessibility Senior Specialist - Telstra. 

Received on Tuesday, 26 December 2023 11:36:31 UTC