Re: Non-text contrast on toggle buttons

Hi Tom,

Apologies twice, for not having an answer to your question, and secondly for mentioning something I'm sure you have covered outside the scope of your screenshot.

Switches (icons) to convey meaning must be accompanied by text explaining—in the case of a switch--the state (and purpose of course) of the switch. Too often I have seen a slider and wondered "is that the ON state or the OFF state?".

Sorry again for barging in and stating the obvious.



. . . . -   . . - - -
Alan Bristow ( he / him / il )
Web Developer / Développeur Web
Elections Canada / Élections Canada<>

From: Tom Shaw <>
Sent: 30 November 2023 08:35
To: <>
Subject: Non-text contrast on toggle buttons

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Hi all.

Here is an exmaple of toggle switches. Grey is off, colour is on.

Can someone kindly confirm exactly what areas of the toggle/background should contrast with which? Thank you. I feel the grey obviously fails with the light grey shadow of the toggle against the white background, however, I feel the light blue colour of the toggle will pass against the white background?


Received on Thursday, 30 November 2023 13:50:08 UTC