Need guidance on accessible table HTML code


I am working on a project that involves creating accessible tables for ePub
using HTML code. I have some questions that I would like to ask you for
your guidance and feedback.

1.       In table 24-1, the yellow highlighted text is a table note that I
have coded within an <aside> element. Is this the correct way to do it, or
is there a better option? Please suggest me how to improve my code for this
table note.

[image: image.png]

*HTML Code:*

<figure class="noscroll">

<table id="quang1_ch24tb1">

<caption class="table_caption"><span class="tablenum"><span
class="txt-capitalize" epub:type="label">Table</span> <span
epub:type="ordinal">24-1</span>.</span> Health Care Quality Improvement



<th class="td-bg" scope="col"><p class="noindent">Organization</p></th>

<th class="td-bg" scope="col"><p class="noindent">Notes</p></th>





<th class="td-br" scope="row"><p class="noindent">Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services (<a href=""></a>) QIO-Like

<td class="td-br"><p class="noindent">Designated under &#x00A7;
1903(a)(3)(C) of the Social Security Act</p></td>









<aside epub:type="footnote" role="doc-footnote">

<p class="tfoot">Abbreviations: HEDIS, Healthcare Effectiveness Data and
Information Set; QIO, quality improvement organization.</p>



2.       In table 24-2, there is only one row and one column, and I have
used a <th> element with scope="row" to mark it as a header cell. Is this
the correct way to do it, or should I use a different element or attribute?
Please advise me on how to make this table more accessible.

[image: image.png]

*HTML Code:*

<table id="quang1_ch24tb2">

<caption class="table_caption"><span class="tablenum"><span
class="txt-capitalize" epub:type="label">Table</span> <span
epub:type="ordinal">24-2</span></span> Elements of Quality Health



<th scope="row" class="td-br">

<ol class="order-2">

<li><p><span class="font-bold">Safety:</span> Freedom from accidental
injury of patients and health care workers from care intended to help

<li><p><span class="font-bold">Effectiveness:</span> Care based on
scientific evidence. Includes prevention, diagnosis and treatment that
produces better outcomes than other alternatives, including the alternative
of doing nothing.</p></li>

<li><p><span class="font-bold">Patient-Centeredness:</span> Care tailored
to meet the physical and psychological needs of the specific patient,
including the ability to make informed decisions about their own

<li><p><span class="font-bold">Timeliness:</span> Delivery of care without
excessive delay.</p></li>

<li><p><span class="font-bold">Efficiency:</span> Reduction of waste and
reduction of administrative or production costs.</p></li>

<li><p><span class="font-bold">Equity:</span> Equal access to health care
and equity in caregiving.</p></li>





3.       In table 29-1, the "*cancer language*" column contains multiple
color values that indicate different categories of data. How can I control
the appearance and accessibility of these color values within the table?
Please recommend me some techniques or resources to learn more about this.

[image: image.png]
[image: image.png]

Thank you for your time and assistance.


Biplab Mondal

Received on Wednesday, 23 August 2023 11:12:27 UTC