Re: 2.4.7 Focus Visible

I agree, Marc, visible focus can add much more beauty to a website than
removing it.

A lot of statements have been made in this discussion, such as "we can't
add a focus advisory because all browser would fail by default". However,
in actual fact, all browser do fail by default on radio/checkbox controls.
Neither respond to focus-visible, neither respond to keyboard focus

As the below link to accessible IT from Illinois education demonstrates, we
need to apply focus programmatically using events. Focus-visible doesn't
meet the requirements of 2.4.7 in this instance, only focus does. Since
there would be no way to detect the user agent heuristics set in the
browser, how would we know whether to apply the focus or not if attempting
to follow focus-visible rules? The simple answer is that focus should
always be shown for the purpose of  AA accreditation regardless of the
input device, mouse or keyboard.

Plus it looks great too.

On Wed, Jul 12, 2023 at 6:42 PM Marc Haunschild (Accessibility Consulting)
<> wrote:

> "I know I mentioned prior when clicking on the navigation or search the
> whole word was outline in a box. It’s hard because we don’t want to take
> away from the beauty of the site with the clunkiness of the box. "
> If the Designer designs ugly things and then complains, that the design is
> ugly - why this particular guy still is employed? - i saw really beautiful
> highlighting for focus and/ or hover. Just do your job.
> I highly recommend Charlie Owens talk “all constraints are beautiful”
> Hmph…
> -Marc

Received on Wednesday, 12 July 2023 21:40:34 UTC