Re: Advocating for the Standardization of UI/UX Patterns in HTML

Hello Royer.

Thank you for your email. HTML is no longer maintained at W3C, but at 

You may be interested to join the Open UI Community Group here at W3C 

With a Github repo here:

The Open UI CG is working on standardising different patterns and 
proposing them for incorporation into HTML.


On 07/07/2023 22:00, Royer Adames wrote:
> Dear W3C HTML Working Group,
> I trust this message finds you in good health. I am writing to propose 
> the integration of widely used UI/UX patterns into the HTML standard, 
> akin to what has been successfully done with the <dialog> tag.
> The <dialog> tag is a noteworthy example of standardization. This tag 
> encapsulates the modal pattern, providing developers a straightforward, 
> semantic way to create modal dialog boxes. Not only has this made 
> implementation easier, but it has also inherently incorporated 
> accessibility features, allowing all users to interact with this element 
> in a consistent, predictable manner.
> I suggest we build on this precedent and extend it to other prevalent 
> UI/UX patterns. Below are a few examples:
>  1. Accordion
>  2. Breadcrumb
>  3. Carousel
>  4. Checkbox
>  5. Combobox
>  6. Toolbar
>  7. Tooltip
>  8. Tree View
>  9. Treegrid
> 10. Window Splitter
> The advantages of pattern standardization are manifold:
> Accessibility: By hardcoding accessibility features into HTML tags, we 
> can ensure that these elements are usable by all individuals, including 
> those who rely on assistive technologies.
> Semantics: Standard tags are more intuitive and meaningful. A developer 
> or a tool can understand the function of a particular tag merely by 
> reading its name.
> Uniformity: Standardized tags promote a consistent implementation across 
> different web pages, enhancing the overall user experience.
> I understand the concerns that might arise regarding the complexity of 
> introducing new tags, as well as backward compatibility. However, I am 
> confident that with thoughtful design, comprehensive testing, and 
> constructive dialogue with the web development community, these 
> challenges can be surmounted. The <dialog> tag stands as a testament to 
> this.
> I kindly request information regarding any ongoing or upcoming 
> discussions or proposals related to this subject within the HTML Working 
> Group. Additionally, I would appreciate guidance on how I could 
> contribute to these discussions or support the further consideration of 
> pattern standardization.
> For a more in-depth view of these UI/UX patterns, including their 
> descriptions and usage guidelines, you may refer to the following 
> document: WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices 1.2.
> Thank you for your time and consideration. I am looking forward to 
> contributing to the future of HTML and enhancing web standards.
> Best regards,
> Royer Adames
> <>

Léonie Watson (she/her)

Received on Monday, 10 July 2023 11:46:38 UTC