Re: Uppercase; what's on screen should also be what's presented to the API

Hi Alan,

There's also this article by Adrian Roselli [] that I find short but good. There are links to other articles, filed issues, and relevant specs.

On 6/29/2023 12:19:18 PM, Bristow, Alan <> wrote:

I am trying to resolve best, modern practice, for general treatment of uppercase content, particularly phrases (not focussing on abbreviations); for example: "This is the BEST GOAT IN THE PADDOCK, and I can prove it with this video of her jumping."

When presented with uppercase content by clients, rather than coding said content in lowercase and using CSS to present it as uppercase, I should like to propose to my team that we leave the content untouched. Am I right to want to do this?

Leaving aside the issues around readability (which are important but not what I am trying to understand here), I am wondering if there is a W3C recommendation or other authoritative source I can quote when it comes to treatment of uppercase text.

Links such as these, perhaps particularly Léonie Watson's, make me think that my instinct to, generally, leave uppercase as uppercase, is correct. [] [] []​

Any feedback appreciated.


. . . . -   . . - - -
Alan Bristow ( he / him / il )
Web Developer / Développeur Web
Elections Canada / Élections Canada []

Received on Thursday, 29 June 2023 19:26:31 UTC