RE: Focus visible

SC2.4.13 is, actually, not the same thing, as it is Level AAA. There were
originally two versions of this SC, at AA and AAA. Just keeping the AAA
version means all the millions of websites that work to AA level won't look
at it, they just consider AAA criteria as out of scope. So, of no use to
people with vision impairments who want to see all websites, not just the
very few who go to AAA!

To clarify, back at the end of 2020, we had 2.4.11 Focus Appearance
(Minimum) at AA level, and 2.4.12 Focus Appearance (Enhanced) at AAA. They
had almost identical wording, except that the AAA one said the indicator
should be 2 pixels thick (as 2.4.13 does today), but the AA version said 1
pixel. (And the AA one had an additional clause as well about contrast with
surrounding colours.) So a bit like the colour contrast SCs, with 4.5 to 1
at AA and 7 to 1 at AAA. And that remained the position for a long time.

But then they did a further change in September last year which, the way it
was written, did not logically make sense. And now, instead of removing the
option A which was causing the logic problem, they have simply deleted the
whole thing and left people with low vision no better off than they were in
WCAG 2.1 - just an AAA version which will do absolutely nothing for the
vast majority of websites! If designers want to use thin dotted outlines,
they can, and never mind all the millions of people who struggle to see

Received on Wednesday, 24 May 2023 15:40:26 UTC