Re: 1.3.2 rule

Hi Francesco,

This would not be a violation of SC 1.3.2.  Just be sure that the controls get focus in the same order, which will require them being correctly sequenced in the DOM.


On 5/17/2023 8:26:28 AM, Francesco Mammetti <> wrote:
"In a confirmation modal, I switched the 'cancel' and 'confirm' buttons to prevent permanent delete errors. Is this incorrect?"
In a normal modal, the 'confirm' button is on the left and the 'cancel' button is on the right. However, for a confirmation modal that involves deleting content,i reversed the button positions to prevent errors.
Would this be considered inaccessible(for rules 1.3.2)?


Received on Wednesday, 17 May 2023 15:30:49 UTC