Re: My Retirement Letter

Dear Wayne,

A very heartfelt thank you for a long and very valuable contribution to  
accessibility work at W3C. Enjoy the grandchildren, the garden, relaxing.

The simplest way to implement your proposal is for people to do that when  
they see someone say "I can't do ...". This is something I think many  
people already do, but perhaps we should write down something as a guide  
for ourselves and our work.

I think the first three questions you suggest are the ones we should  
always have asked ourselves (and I think we often did, if imperfectly).  
But I don't think we should ever need to ask the fourth question: Our  
entire mission here is to make sure we solve problems we identify.

cheers, many thanks, good luck, and I hope that our paths can cross again  
in person...


On Tue, 14 Jul 2020 11:47:41 +1000, Wayne Dick <>  

>> There one thing I would like to suggest for >future Wayne’s. When a  
>> person complains about >an access issue please listen to the need.  
>> People >with disabilities often perceive issues that >support personnel  
>> and researchers do not know. >Support personnel and researchers are  
>> experts, >but the person with the disability knows more >than any  
>> expert.
>> When a person with a disability says, “I cannot >do activity X.” There  
>> really might be profound >accessibility issues that have not been  
>> >recognized at present. At that point we need to >ask four questions.
> 1.
> Does the issue observed problem reveal of a new >accessibility barrier?
> 2.
> Can the barrier be addressed with web >technology?
> 3.
> Does the structure of web accessibility guidelines >enable a strategy  
> that can address this issue?
> 4.
> If 1 and 2 are true and 3 is false, is it ethical for >the AG to ignore  
> the issue because it exceeds the >scope of the current accessibility  
> guidelines?

Charles "chaals" Nevile
PegaSys Standards Architect, ConsenSys

Received on Tuesday, 14 July 2020 05:47:20 UTC