Re: Bi-modal touch interaction, possible with Voice Over enabled?

Thanks Dave. I’d be interested in knowing more about split taps as we investigate alternatives.

Thanks for a lead.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 9, 2020, at 15:07, Andrews, David B (DEED) <> wrote:
> I am not an ARIA expert, but I am not aware of anything like that in iOS.  There are some so-called “split taps” where you hold down one finger, and tap with a second – but they are for the same control – not two different areas simultaneously.
> Dave
> From: Taliesin Smith <> 
> Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2020 10:30 AM
> To:
> Subject: Bi-modal touch interaction, possible with Voice Over enabled?
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> Hi Folks,
> Do any aria experts on this list know if it is possible to create a custom touch interaction where 2 interaction points would be operational simultaneously on an iOS device using VoiceOver?
> The reason I ask is that this is can quite easily happen on a touch device when VoiceOver is not invoked.
> Basically, I am wondering if a user using VoiceOver can use two fingers at the same time to operate separate objects.
> For context, we work on interactive science and math simulations. For an example, you can have a look at Gravity Force Lab Basics. This interactive simulation has two mass spheres. When a screen reader is not invoked, a learner can actually place one finger on mass 1 (the blue sphere) and another finger on mass 2 (the red sphere), and move the two spheres at the same time. 
> On iOS with VoiceOver invoked, learners are restricted to move one sphere at a time with VoiceOver’s swipes and gestures.
> For this simulation, that is completely fine. It’s not important to move the spheres at the same time. We are working on a new simulation about ratio and proportion where moving two objects at the same time is more important.
> We have a custom interaction accessible to keyboard users, but I wanted to reach out about iOS and VoiceOver, specifically, because from our own investigations we don’t think it is possible.
> Thoughts from this list are always much appreciated.
> Taliesin Smith
> ~.~.~
> Also reachable at:
> Inclusive Design Researcher
> PhET Interactive Simulations
> Physics Department
> University of Colorado, Boulder

Received on Thursday, 9 July 2020 22:37:14 UTC