<ol start="3"> Is this accessible?

I’m doing a lot of content cleanup, and I’ve discovered that a lot of our lists are broken up by advertising. Inherently this is bad user experience. However, I am wondering if there is explicit verbiage that might indicate how this is also an impediment for screen readers. 

I can only imagine that starting a list, indicating how many items are in the list, reading the list, then stopping because other content (an ad) is inserted and then continuing the list starting on *not* number 1, but number 3 because it’s a continuation of the previous list can be very confusing. 

Can anyone point me to content on how to address this, or how this is a bad experience for screen readers? I have found this, but it doesn’t address my issue at hand: https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Techniques/html/H48.html <https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Techniques/html/H48.html>


Jeana Clark
Creative Director

Tel: 847.607.8577 


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