Re: Is a popover considered a control that needs to meet 1.4.11 Non-text contrast requirement?

On 06/11/2019 18:02, Renato Iwashima wrote:
> Question about 1.4.11 - Non-text Contrast: I'd like to know if popovers 
> apply to this criteria. The reason I ask is because the guideline refers 
> to controls which are interactive elements. A popover is a UI element 
> that appears after some interaction.

I can see why a non-interactive popover probably doesn't quite fit the 
definition of a user interface component. It probably also doesn't fully 
fit the "Graphical object: parts of graphics required to understand the 
content" part.

As much as I hate doing it myself, I'd personally treat the popover as 
more or less a "graphical object" ... but would only check contrast if I 
felt that without its particular visual presentation being clear and 
contrasty, it would not be understandable by users that it is in fact 
additional content that popped up (depending on how exactly it shows in 
the layout, and whether or not there's other non-popup content nearby 
that could be confusing for users if they couldn't perceive the 
boundaries of the popover, for instance).

Patrick H. Lauke | |
twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Received on Friday, 8 November 2019 01:04:02 UTC