Re: Focus indicators for grouped controls

On 16/10/2019 16:39, Patrick H. Lauke wrote:
> On 16/10/2019 13:28, Alastair Campbell wrote:
>>> Devil's advocating: for a mouse user, is the "point of interaction" 
>>> not the tip of their mouse pointer?
>> I have assumed it is, does that not align with the definition?
>> For "The point of interaction for the user’s input."
>> I was trying not to assume what the input was, or that you couldn't 
>> have more than one concurrently.
> If I tab somewhere on a web page, or click on an input field, but then 
> move the mouse pointer...where's my "focus"? That's when you end up back 
> with "keyboard focus" and "mouse focus"

Was thinking further that maybe it needs to clarify it in the sense of 
"each input mechanism available to a user may have its own distinct "focus".

And then started thinking that perhaps "focus" is really only a concept 
for "indirect manipulation" type inputs (where a keyboard/keyboard-like 
interface moves the focus around, whereas there is no such thing for 
touch or even mouse itself, unless for the latter we cound the mouse 

Anyway, sorry for this curveball...

Patrick H. Lauke | |
twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Received on Wednesday, 16 October 2019 15:48:44 UTC