Re: Requesting Initial Feedback on "Alt-Text on Demand" for Academic Articles

On Fri, 20 Sep 2019 18:06:08 +0200, Peter Shikli <>  

> We remediated what we could with the budget available, but what to do  
> with the rest. One option was to comply to the law by simply >removing  
> them. The optics of this didn't appeal to us; to deprive sighted users  
> on behalf of the disabled.

This is the heart of the issue.

Destroying something of value because it isn't as good as it should be is  
generally a bad idea. The proposed solution is sub-optimal, but letting  
the perfect be the enemy of the good is also a bad idea. Thinking through  
it carefully, and making the best of what you can actually achieve, is  
generally a good thing.

Enabling people to contribute a potential text - which should be reviewed  
before being added - is also a good thing in this scenario.



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