Search fields

Hello all,

Lately I’ve been looking at a recurring issue for us: search fields.

In our product we make use of search fields here and there, that have a drop down that pops open with the search results while someone is typing, usually after a short debounce period for performance reasons. Of course that means a spinner while the request is in flight, and a drop down that gets populated as the response is received, rinse and repeat if the user continues typing.
IKEA employs a very similar concept on their websites, if you’d like an example.

I was wondering,  could this ever properly work with respect to accessibility?

Apart from some mild visual changes outside of your direct focus area (somewhat worse than a standard select element, as the items tend to be larger and ‘richer’), I feel there are mainly issues for screen reader users. I have not seen a proper solution to providing users with feedback on the status of the search while they may still be typing (depending on their typing speed/accuracy). Of course, there is the “polite” value for an “aria-live” area, but then still the status messages tend to become lost among the flurry of feedback that the screen reader is giving.

Looking around I noticed that this concept is almost never used, and in the cases where they are, I had no confidence in the implementers considering a11y.

I feel like there are two proper avenues of providing search functionality:

  1.  Use the combobox pattern, but only if the result values can be calculated instantly (example UK design system<>)
  2.  Fire the request only after a submit and direct to a search results page, basically ditching the “autocomplete” behavior (example US design system<>)

There is one solution I think that allows us to have our cake and eat it too, and that is to employ a longer debounce period for the search result status message to increase the likelihood that the user is done typing. However, that results in a window of time where there is a dropdown with search results that can be interacted with that the screen reader user is not yet made aware of.

I am looking forward to your thoughts!
Joppe Kroon

Received on Thursday, 19 September 2019 15:23:43 UTC