Re: Question about ADA Integration input fields with PII data

I’d say this doesn’t sound like it would violate aby WCAG 2.1 SCs off the top of my head. It’s likely more a question of usability, but to me that sounds reasonable.


> On 14 Aug 2019, at 12:02, Maximiliano Sorribas <> wrote:
> Jonathan,
>                At this moment I'm working on this mechanism:
> The user uses the key "Tab" to go to the masked field, so he listens ''this is a masked field", then he's going to listen the asterisks.
>  Next, the user presses the "Tab" and move to the eye Icon (button) and he listens "Unmask field", then the user press "enter" to unmask and the focus auto-change to the field unmasked. Then the user is going to listen the unmasked information. When the user press "Tab" again the form focus to the next field and the unmasked field is masked again on blur event.
> That's my idea to integrate ada with PII masked data to secure the information and the user control to mask or unmask information.
> It's ok? What do you think about this mechanism?
> Maybe add some message at reading for example on the eye button "Unmask field xxxxx" and then when the auto-focus moves to the field the user listens the information directly or is better something like "Unmasked information of field zzzzz" before listening the information unmasked or do you think that the user maybe understand with the first message only.
> Thanks!
> --
> Maximiliano J. Sorribas 
>> El mar., 13 ago. 2019 a las 9:19, Jonathan Avila (<>) escribió:
>> If the field was only unmasked when another field was focused,  I think it would be an issue for some screen reader user to access the unmasked contents.    
>> Jonathan 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Aug 13, 2019, at 2:14 AM, Maximiliano Sorribas <> wrote:
>>> CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
>>> Hi, I have a question about ADA integration:
>>>  If I have a PII masked field in a web form is a required or not use a button as an eye Icon to reveal and hide the information? 
>>> Right now on our site, we use the event on focus to reveal and the on blur to hide the information of the field with masking using asterisks.
>>> Please somebody can clarify this.
>>> I don't find documentation about this case.
>>> Here is an example:
>>> <Screenshot_2019-08-06 Citi Wealth Builder - Goals(1).png>
>>> Thanks.
>>> Regards!
>>> Maximiliano Sorribas

Received on Wednesday, 14 August 2019 11:54:08 UTC