Re: [External Sender] RE: Directions in form headings

> I would say that "Select a Camera" is a heading, "I want to buy a" is a
> group label or legend, and "all fields are required" is an instruction or
> an error message (depending on when and why it is displayed. I would put
> the last in a non-semantic container like a span, div, or <p> and provide
> it with a unique ID, then provide the grouping element (either a fieldset
> or container with role of radiogroup) with aria-describedby set to that ID.

The only thing I'm not sure about off the top of my head is I'm not sure if
the contents of an element referenced by use of aria-describedby on a
fieldset will announce. It may be necessary to use the ARIA equivalents
instead of the native fieldset and legend.

I'd be a little worried about the heading not being easily discoverable in
forms mode, except it is so close in meaning to the group label that I
don't think it matters.

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Received on Tuesday, 13 August 2019 18:07:34 UTC