RE: links in aria-describedby


This is getting a little clearer.

It sounds like you are saying that the part of the sentence that is text under the image is announcing only the non-link text. The text that is the link is not announcing.

Is that correct?

I would say it is a violation of 1.3.1 Info and Relationships (which is a good catch all at times. Even labeling issues that are thought to be under 3.3.2 at times are actually 1.3.1’s).

Please read up on 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value.
This typically applies to main menus that do not announce that they have sub-menus or expand and collapse elements that do not announce that they do so or if they are collapsed or expanded.

Hope that help.s

Alan Smith

From: Davis, Angela (ITS)
Sent: Thursday, August 8, 2019 1:58 PM
Subject: RE: links in aria-describedby

Sure.  I have a check box. When clicked it shows an image. The image has text under it that is also in an aria-describedby. The text contains a link. When the check box receives focus the screen reader does not tell me the text has a link in it. It reads the whole caption as plain text which is what it should do. My question is what wcag 2.0 standard would be violated if a user is not told a link is present?

          Label 1

          This is an image. For more information visit more information about this image.

From: ALAN SMITH <> 
Sent: Thursday, August 8, 2019 1:42 PM
To: Davis, Angela (ITS) <>;
Subject: RE: links in aria-describedby

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Your question does not make sense. Can you be more specific and give a code example?

Alan Smith

From: Davis, Angela (ITS)
Sent: Thursday, August 8, 2019 1:10 PM
Subject: links in aria-describedby


If a link is in an aria-describedby what wcag 2.0 guide line would be violated? I’m thinking it would violate 4.1.2
Name, Role, Value Level A but I want to be sure.

Thank you,

Angela Davis
Information Technology Specialist 2
NYS Office of Information Technology Services
Citizen Services Cluster | Application Systems Engineering

Received on Thursday, 8 August 2019 18:22:24 UTC