Re: Failure of Success Criterion Question for F30 and F38

On 23/07/2019 06:31, Mitchell Evan wrote:
>  >> Are other methods to (such as aria-hidden="true") valid
>  >
>  > Techniques are not exhaustive. Failure techniques should fail always
>  > (i.e. if you do this, it's a fail), while positive techniques are only
>  > ever to be considered one of a series of possible approaches that
>  > satisfy the underlying criterion. So short answer, yes.
> I agree, other methods are valid. Yet failure F38 
> <> as currently 
> written disallows modern techniques such as responsible use of 
> aria-hidden=true. So I've filed a bug: "F38 disallows techniques that 
> actually satisfy 1.1.1".

Mitch you're absolutely right...I ended up not seeing the wood for the 
trees here, and missed the point the F38 is a failure technique, but 
that it seems to indicate it's always a failure not to have that role 
there when in fact using aria-hidden is just as valid a way to 
circumvent the problem. So agree that the failure technique there is 
incomplete, as what it shows is not necessarily always a failure.

Patrick H. Lauke | |
twitter: @patrick_h_lauke | skype: patrick_h_lauke

Received on Tuesday, 23 July 2019 09:39:13 UTC