Basic interaction: directing a browser by voice

Hi, just uploaded another(!) video showing search/screen reading using

This is a Chrome Extension, so it is your browser you're talking
to/directing - my previous example was website based. This video
possibly needs more querying of: where you are; what is on the page, in
terms of headings, etc. It is there, just I don't want my videos to go
on for too long! 

If anyone would like to test this, please get in touch.  I'm waiting for
Google to approve of this as a (free!) extension, so it can be installed
from their extension website.  In the meantime, I could distribute the
extension code (three small JavaScript files, and a JSON file) if anyone
is interested?

Kind regards,
Dr Martin Wheatman, 
        t:  +44 (0)7976 394225

Received on Friday, 5 July 2019 13:19:50 UTC