Re: upgrading standard browsers UI

On 06/09/17 06:21, Sean Murphy (seanmmur) wrote:
> This is a long shot and just a thought. Does anyone know if W3C 
> standards or the browser vendors are going to expand the current default 
> UI elements from the current one’s? My thinking is including a  menu, 
> treeview, slider, toolbar, etc.?

HTML has not been controlled by W3C for many years now.

My reading of the philosophy at the time they lost control is that most 
of these are presentational variations on HTML lists, so should not be 
reflected in HTML.

Whilst WHATWG seems to see HTML as a GUI platform, rather than a 
document markup language, the issue they might have is that one of their 
primary tenets is that pages (whether compliant or not) should look and 
behave the same on all browsers.  That would mean that such controls 
would need to replace any similar controls provided by the underlying 
GUI platform.

Received on Wednesday, 6 September 2017 11:07:00 UTC