treeview questions

I'm interested in finding a highly accessible treeview implementation to adopt
for my code.  So, I was quite interested to find that the "WAI-ARIA Authoring
Practices 1.1" has several examples I could try out and borrow from.

However, the examples worked very poorly for Amanda Lacy, when she tried using
them with NVDA.  The entries I could see on the screen didn't appear for her and
the suggested keyboard interactions didn't work.  Could someone give this a try
and let us know if we're simply missing something?

More generally, I gather that declared properties may work better than computed
properties with some software, though they clearly increase the size of the HTML
payload.  In my case, compatibility is a much bigger issue than payload size, so
I've been planning to use declared properties.  Are there other considerations I
should take into account?



- WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices 1.1

- File Directory Treeview Example Using Computed Properties

- File Directory Treeview Example Using Declared Properties

- Navigation Treeview Example Using Computed Properties

- Navigation Treeview Example Using Declared Properties

 --           Rich Morin     San Bruno, CA, USA   +1 650-873-7841

Software system design, development, and documentation

Received on Friday, 17 February 2017 22:31:07 UTC