Re: Accessible comics and games online

Here are some resources that may be helpful:

Game accessibility guidelines  A straightforward reference for inclusive 
game design

The AbleGamers Charity

Some iOS games have been made accessible to blind people. Exploring the site may prove helpful in finding developers and/or 
game-players. But of course, accessibility of games goes far beyond 
assisting blind people.

As for comics, here's one site I had handy:

[Note that audio started playing immediately for me.]

I'm wondering whether comics made using SVG can be made accessible using 
accessible SVG guidance. Perhaps, if that's of interest, others can 



On 11/2/2016 12:41 PM, Char Easter wrote:
> Hello,
> Any information on making online comic strips and games accessible. We 
> are using vendors who host the pages so won’t have control of the 
> experience but wanted to get some background, maybe make a 
> recommendation to the comic and game vendors.
> *Char Easter*
> UX Designer at The Seattle Times
> p: 206.464.2945
> e:
> m: 206.779.2427

Received on Wednesday, 2 November 2016 20:37:34 UTC