Accessibility in WordPress

Hello, Has there been discussion on accessibility in WordPress?

Here are a few things I learned from my tests for Alt attributes, but would love to know more about all accessibility WP characteristics.

1.       Through the CMS, you cannot enter code, so you can't add a null alt (alt=""). We have captions for most our images, so leaving the Alt Text field blank because the screen reader is reading the Caption and a caption and alt text would be overload.

2.       You can add the alt attribute via the code if the images were added in the code

3.       If images were entered outside the CMS (via the page code), however, you cannot add alt attribute via the CMS field.

4.       Screenreaders do not read the filename (thankfully)


Char Easter
User Experience Designer
w: 206.464.2945
c: 206.779.2427


Received on Friday, 13 March 2015 18:29:00 UTC