Re: 508 Refresh and Reasonable Accommodation for Low Vision

The blind just do better lobbying than any other group of people with some functional limitation.

And low vision people might still be better off than some of the other groups of people with some functional limitation as they do better lobbying than some other groups. 

Maybe at least various groups of people with some functional limitation need to align their lobbying? One of the most disabling aspects [pun intended] in the effort for equal access comes from those who need it most (or try to support them).

In general [at least in the context of IT, web, mobile, and related technology] I'd recommend to say good bye to the concept of "person with disability" and focus on "functional limitations" independent of any specific person or group of persons, along the lines of the ICF (international classification of functioning) by the WHO (World Health Organisation), and then just work along the list of limitations in functioning, and mandate that each can be addressed reasonably well [and introduce concepts like continuous improvement - Rome wasn't built in a day, but building had to start at some point and had to keep going until it was completed; that it takes time can't be avoided]. Another area to get over with is to insist that something must be supported in existing technology - this just discourages new [and much needed] developments. We'll be dancing around JAWS for another decade or two if we keep doing this.


PS: @Wayne: if you included an introductory sentence or tag line at the start of your article, it would be easier for potential readers to understand what your article is about. Something like "thoughts by a vision impaired, but not blind, user of web technology vis-à-vis the upcoming revision of section 508" right after the title of the article.

On 18 Feb 2015, at 04:27, Wayne Dick <> wrote:

> The following Article is for the 508 Refresh. I recommend going beyond WCAG 2.0 by requiring enlargement with word wrapping.  
> See
> Wayne

Received on Wednesday, 18 February 2015 10:14:29 UTC