Re: Current suggestion for subheading isn't accessible

How does a sighted know it's definitely a heading plus a subheading, as opposed to a heading happening to have a colon inside it, and being spread over two lines (or more)?

If a non-sighted users really wanted to get at it, he would have to pick up additional information, like differences in font size or face, color. This is technically feasible. 

The problem with increasing granularity for content markup is that creation gets more challenging (how many authors would know how to consistently use such more granular tags - taking into account that once subheading  is introduced there would be many other potential new tags that might have to be introduced), and it also needs to be asked whether the content consumer really cares... In the world of SGML this is handled by different DTDs, but just look at how successful SGML is (except in very specific areas)?

All in all I can't see a reason why this needs to be addressed by adding a specific tag.


Am 8 May 2013 um 04:59 schrieb Ian Yang:

> But the use of colon or hyphen doesn't guarantee that both sighted and
> screen reader users always interpret them as the separator of heading
> and subheading. A single heading can have colon or hyphen.

Received on Wednesday, 8 May 2013 07:47:05 UTC