RE: WCAG Techniques are informative [was: Programmatic association of generic link text]

[Olaf wrote]
> but it is not suitable to call them tests.

The techniques for WCAG document specifically has a test procedure at the
end of each sufficient and common failure technique -- so it would appear
someone at the W3C does consider these tests/testable - in fact they have
to be tests in order for them to be testable and not subjective.


-----Original Message-----
From: Olaf Drümmer []
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2012 9:37 AM
To: Shawn Henry; W3C WAI ig
Cc: Olaf Drümmer
Subject: Re: WCAG Techniques are informative [was: Programmatic
association of generic link text]

I consider the following sentence inappropriate:

On 4 Sep 2012, at 15:21, Shawn Henry wrote:

> Web content could even fail a particular technique test,

especially in an  email that tries to state that techniques are no basis
for determining conformance...

Techniques are just that - techniques. One could also call them useful
tools, methods, cool ideas, helpful tricks,  ... but it is not suitable to
call them tests.

Olaf Drümmer

Received on Tuesday, 4 September 2012 14:04:37 UTC