Re: Quick Poll for JAWs users: Verbosity and Punctuation settings.

Hi, Adam.

 > off-screen positioning or supplementary text is useful for screen
 > reader users only, and not for any other user ...

In this case, sighted users can see the context and the link "download" 
is understandable without requiring the full text. For blind users, they 
have the complementary information in the hidden <span>. For users of 
voice recognition software, they can still say "download" and the 
software will allow the user to select which link to activate (if there 
is more than one "download").

> And, in the example you provided, why wouldn't you include the "download the
> annual report 2011 in PDF" as the alternative attribute value instead?

In this case, I wanted to put the PDF icon before the "Download" text 
(visually), so I would have to:

a) Start the link with "Annual report..." and then "download" (which 
sounds not natural), or

b) Duplicate the "download" word at the beginning

Both options produce different texts from the one I want to convey. And 
there are situations where no image is used, so you will need hidden 
texts (for example, a list of items with "edit" and "delete" links).


Received on Sunday, 12 August 2012 09:35:44 UTC