Re: Success Criterion 2.4.7. Focus Order

I would instruct the developer to add an OnFocus event to position the 
previously "hidden off left" link to be visible when the link is tabbed 
to.  Positioning the link off left does not remove it from the tab order, 
just for the visual clutter.  Seems to meet everyone requirements - no 
visual clutter, in the tab order, works with CSS off, and works better 
with CSS and JavaScript turned on. This should be made clearer in the best 
practice technique.

Phill Jenkins, 
IBM Research - Human Ability & Accessibility Center
U.S. Access Board

Ramón Corominas <> 
Sent by:
04/29/2009 09:38 AM

WAI Interest Group <>

Success Criterion 2.4.7. Focus Order

Hi, all.

I'm reading the Understanding SC 2.4.7 about Focus Order, and I'm in 
doubt about what is the meaning of "having a mode of operation that...".

For instance, if I have a hidden "skip to contents" link (via css 
off-left), when a user tabs to this link the focus will not be visible; 
but if the user disables CSS, in this "mode" the link will be visible 
and also the focus. My question is: would this be considered valid? 
Should we show all the links to comply with this criterion? Are 
css-hidden links forbidden?

Thanks in advance,

Received on Wednesday, 29 April 2009 16:24:26 UTC