Re: User Testing of Accessiblity Features

I understand your point, but lack of aural stylesheet support is not a
reason to not use them.  Even if the only client that would use them is
EmacsSpeak.  If we (developers) don't use aural stylesheets what incentive
is there for the manufactures to add in support?  It think what would be a
good start for increased aural stylesheet use would be a Live Linux CD that
comes with EmacsSpeak installed.  This could easily be distributed to the
visually impaired community.

   >                                                To
             Sent by:                  WAI Interest Group list         
             w3c-wai-ig-reques         <>             
             08/30/2007 10:19          Re: User Testing of Accessiblity
             AM                        Features                        

Joe Clark has an excellent article that covers aural stylesheets.

Yes but Joe also stated that, "At the authorial level, aural
stylesheets are a character in search of an author".

Literally. Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore! An Italian play, Six
characters in search of an author.

I had all voice description in stylesheets for years but dumped them as
they are not supported and they bloated the CSS.
Voices are not supported by screen readers, are they?

Tim Anderson
The Editor
Heretic Press

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