Re: linked list alternative to nested menus

All this is true, but what if I don't have all that power?

On Mar 13, 2006, at 6:15 AM, Léonie Watson wrote:

Paul Novitski wrote:

"This makes semantic sense but could wear on your patience if you're  
hearing the page through a screen-reader.  If you activate a link in  
the parent menu and bring up a new page that again contains the  
navigation menu, how do you know that a sub-menu exists inside the  
parent item?  Do you have to listen through all the menu options  
you've already heard in order to discover and hear the new sub-menu?"

	Jaws has the facility to tell you about the relationship between  
nested lists. As far as I'm aware, Window Eyes also has this capacity  
as do other screen readers.

	Using the code you gave as an example, Jaws would announce "List of  
3 items, contains 2 nested lists". Either assuming that the entire  
navigational structure was visible to a screen reader from the start,  
or that a parent link had been activated to produce a sub-navigation  
list on a fresh page, the logical step would be to jump from the top  
of the parent list, to the top of the desired nested list.

	Both Jaws and Window Eyes provide shortcut keys to cycle through  
instances of lists on a page. It would only take a single keystroke  
to move from the top of the parent list to the top of the nested  
list, removing the need to repeatedly listen to each of the  
preceeding parent list items.

	The beauty of this approach is that the relationship isevident and  
the structure of the site is conveyed through the structure of the  
lists. Simple and accurate.


Nomensa - humanising technology

Léonie Watson             |  Head of Accessibility
t. +44 (0)117 929 7333    |

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Received on Tuesday, 14 March 2006 01:39:03 UTC