WWW2006 Final Call for Participation

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The International World Wide Web Conference Committee (IW3C2) invite
you to participate in the Fifteenth International World Wide Web
Conference in Edinburgh, Scotland on May 22nd-26th 2006.

You are invited to participate in the conference by submitting
* Posters (deadline extended to Feb 21st)
* Developer Track Proposals (deadline March 5th)
* Workshop Papers

POSTERS - DEADLINE EXTENDED - February 21st 2006
Posters provide a forum for late-breaking research, and facilitate
feedback in an informal setting. Posters are peer-reviewed. The poster
sessions provide an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to
present and demonstrate their recent web-related research, and to
obtain feedback from their peers in an informal setting. It gives
conference attendees a way to learn about innovative works in progress
in a timely and informal manner. Formatting and submission
requirements are available at http://www2006.org/posters/ .

Conference topics include but are not limited to: # Browsers and User
Interfaces # Data Mining # Hypermedia and Multimedia # Performance,
Reliability and Scalability # Pervasive Web and Mobility # Search
# Security, Privacy, and Ethics # Semantic Web # Web Engineering #
XML and Web Services # Industrial Practice and Experience # Developing
Regions # Applications: E-Communities, E-Learning, E-Commerce, E- 
E-Government and E-Humanities

DEVELOPERS TRACK PROPOSALS - Deadline - March 5th 2006
The developers' community is an integral part of the WWW conference
series.  It includes all those who write the code that makes the Web
work. WWW developers work at startups, IT departments, software vendors
and government, but also include researchers who have a commitment to
developing usable tools and products. The aim of the track is to  
the practical experimentation that accompanies both cutting-edge  
and a dedication to standards setting and adoption.

Proposals are invited for technical demonstrations, presentations and
discussions to take place within the Developers' Track throughout
the conference, in keeping with the various conference topics (above).
The proposals should concern work with significant new functionality,
capability or 'wow' factor. Submission instructions are available
at http://www2006.org/developers/ .

WORKSHOPS - Deadline - Various
A wide variety of workshops address the current research issues and
future development of the World Wide Web. Papers are invited for the
following workshops. For individual deadline and submission details see
http://www2006.org/workshops/ .

3rd W4A International Cross-Disciplinary Workshop on Web Accessibility
# 2nd Workshop on Innovations in Web Infrastructure (IWI2)  # The 3rd
IIWeb Interdisciplinary Workshop for Information Integration on the Web
# Reasoning on the Web (RoW06)  # Evaluating Ontologies for the Web
(EON2006)  # Collaborative Web Tagging  # Semantic Web Annotations for
Multimedia (SWAMM)  # Models of Trust for the Web (MTW)  # Identity,
Reference, and the Web  # IPTV services over World Wide Web  # MobEA
IV - Empowering the Mobile Web  # Internet Crime  # The E-Government:
Barriers and Opportunities  # Open Source Software - A Collaboration
Platform for Web Applications # IntraWebs 2006 # Third Annual  
Workshop on
the Weblogging Ecosystem: Aggregation, Analysis and Dynamics # Logging
Traces of Web Activity: The Mechanics of Data Collection #

Received on Friday, 17 February 2006 11:04:10 UTC