sorry! RE: Stats about JavaScript availability

In the second paragraph in my last email, I mean "you shouldN'T rely on



From: [] On Behalf
Of Colin Lieberman
Sent: Friday, November 04, 2005 9:01 AM
Subject: RE: Stats about JavaScript availability




The deal with JavaScript is that while statistically, "everyone" uses it,
there are major accessibility issues for the *statistically* insignificant
percent of people who don't.


This is an issue with good design more than just accessibility- JavaScript
should be used to *add* functionality, not to be primarily responsible for
it. A site should always be scalable in terms of usability- you should be
able to use the Lynx browser and access every part of your site. Maybe
you'll have to tab through links for navigation, but the point is that those
links should be there, you should rely on scripting.


For a good example of bad JavaScript, check out Users of
screen reader can not book air travel on this site because of it's reliance
on scripting for date selection.


A good rule of thumb: if you can do it with scripting, there should also be
a way to do it without scripting.


Colin Lieberman

IT Manager

Disability Rights Advocates

449 15th Street, Suite 303

Oakland California  94612


From: [] On Behalf
Of Jon Dodd
Sent: Friday, November 04, 2005 5:20 AM
Subject: Stats about JavaScript availability


Hi All,


Does anyone know a source of reliable statistics concerning use of
JavaScript (relates to several WCAG 1.0 checkpoints of course).


My perception is that everyone now uses it but have heard that up to about
10% of people are browsing without it for several reasons:

* banned from a corporate environment because of security issues

* using alternative devices which do not support it (not necessarily
adaptive technologies)


Anyone got any references or info on this.


Many thanks



Received on Friday, 4 November 2005 17:06:36 UTC