Re: DHTML show/hide sections & screen readers

On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 12:37:38PM +0100, Stuart Smith wrote:

> That said, I am definitely not saying you shouldn't use. You might want to
> research the <noscript> tag which hides scripts from browsers not using it.
> You can then embed an alternative.

Noscript hides content from browsers which have JavaScript enabled, it
doesn't hide scripts from anything - they just get ignored if they are
not supported.

It won't help in this case anyway, since (based on the description):

(a) and script degraces gracefully anyway (and degrading gracefully is
much preferable to the boolean <noscript>ness which (for example)
would give situations such as a script which depending on DOM 2 not
working on Netscape 4 (since NS4 doesn't do DOM 2), but the <noscript>
content wouldn't be displayed either (since NS4 does do JS)).
and (b) a lot of AT packages are just wrappers around Internet
Explorer which will still execute the JavaScript anyway.

> <noscript>
> <body>

The <noscript> element may not contain a <body> element in any version
of (X)HTML.

David Dorward                            

Received on Wednesday, 11 May 2005 11:51:15 UTC